Helpline Skills Training & Coaching
London & Online

Authentic Responses


We Help You Help Others

When someone calls a helpline, they are distressed or facing a crisis and they need advice, signposting or a listening ear. Your service may provide information, or counselling, but what is most important is that your response is authentic.

Authentic Responses is a helpline skills training agency based in London. We help organisations and individuals engage and connect with callers in a safe and positive manner. We run a number of operator training courses that will help you assist the distressed and evaluate your calls.

Work with a dedicated coach to manage the impact of calls, maintain good mental health and manage the demands of working with complex enquiries. 

We have over 15 years of experience working in the helpline sector. We are passionate about the work that we do and are committed to helping those who help others. We offer an informal and supportive environment where you can develop the skills you need to provide the best response.


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Our Courses

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  • Authentic Responses | Skills Training London gallery image 1
    Comprehensive Communication
  • Authentic Responses | Skills Training London gallery image 2
    Reflection and Resilience
  • Authentic Responses | Skills Training London gallery image 3
    Outcome Opportunities
  • Authentic Responses | Skills Training London gallery image 4
    Beyond Blue
  • Authentic Responses | Skills Training London gallery image 5
    Helplines... How To

Comprehensive Communication

Comprehensive Communication interactive helpline skills training provides an opportunity to confirm your current practice or learn new techniques. If you work with clients, answer telephone calls, this course focuses on all the skills needed to have a good call.

We commence with a focus on your role in assisting others, maintaining boundaries, listening effectively and developing core techniques to enable you to respond to the caller.

Building on day one, we continue to address how to respond to different types of calls, including those that can be challenging for you. We focus on the different ways distress can present, how to define a repeat caller and respond accordingly. There is the opportunity to practise these skills and conclude with an introduction to self-care and building resilience within your role.

Beyond Blue

If you work with callers who are at risk of suicide, our Beyond Blue course will cover all the soft helpline skills, communication skills and knowledge you need to provide effective help. The course will explore questioning techniques, mechanisms of support and provide a supportive space to practise responses.

Reflection and Resilience

Listening and responding to people who are in distress on a regular basis can have a cumulative effect on you. Have you been impacted by your engagement with callers? It is essential that you have the right mechanisms in place to protect your own mental health. This course will explore your resilience, provides an opportunity to reflect and shares the tools to enable your own self-care and build resilience.

Helplines... How To

If you are considering or setting up a new telephone or live chat service, this is the course to provide you with guidance on the key components. Our course will enable you to work through the framework for delivery; consider options for channels, staffing, opening hours, as well as identify the policies and procedures required to support the work of your service. It is an excellent opportunity to network with others at similar stages of development.

Language of Livechat

If you have recently launched your livechat channel or are setting up this new channel, this is the course to provide your staff with the confidence to respond and engage with live chat. We commence with our skills toolkit to address the key components of written responses. How we use our live chat skills to structure a response and then consider the tone and language that runs through the conversation. An interactive and engaging day with opportunities to practice skills.

Optimising your Outcomes

This course will cover all the techniques that can be used to evaluate your quantitative and qualitative helpline call data. What difference did you make to your caller? We often don't know what happened next with a caller. This course enables you to consider how to use the qualitative and quantitative data collected by your service to understand your impact. We analyse the different ways to measure outcomes and how these can be implemented into your organisation.


For details of costs and dates, please visit Courses.

Our Courses

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If you would like to learn more about our helpline skills training and coaching in London and online, please contact us at Authentic Responses.

Contact Us   Our Courses

Organisations we have worked with

 Carers UK Logo

 Macular Society Logo

 Proud Trust Logo


 Beat Logo

 LawCare Logo

 Royal Osteoporosis Logo           

Skills Training Provider in London and Worldwide

Skills Training Provider in London and Worldwide






Skills Training Provider in London and Worldwide





Skills Training Provider in London and Worldwide









E-Learning Hub

To provide the highest quality engagement to callers, we want to give responders access to our training materials through our e-learning hub. Our online platform provides you with access to materials at a time that suits you, to work at your pace with a focus on a specific topic or a whole course.

Reflecting our holistic approach, access to the e-learning hub is available to anyone interested in the helpline sector, communication skills, self-care and development. We are offering the option to subscribe for ongoing access or purchase a single course at a time.

For those who attended a training course, access will be available to enable you to revisit a topic or refer back to key learning points.


E-Learning Hub



Our Approach

At Authentic Responses we aim to provide a supportive and informal learning environment to enable you to develop the critical skills you need to support those contacting your service.

We understand that every organisation and individual is different and our work reflects this. Our strength is being adaptive and flexible by working in a facilitative style that incorporates your needs into the training courses we provide.

We have extensive experience in the helpline sector and are passionate about helping people, help others. Our aim is to provide you with the confidence and tools you need to provide a quality interaction on every call. 

Authentic Responses is led by Priya Shah, an Accredited Trainer and Coach with over fifteen years experience of working in with national and local charities, local councils, and government departments. 

If you are struggling from the impact of your work, stressed from responding to complex enquiries then consider working with Priya in a supportive environment. 

Our courses are available for individual attendance or we can deliver a bespoke course for your team.

If you would like to learn more about our helpline skills training and coaching in London and online, please contact us at Authentic Responses.

Learn More   Contact Us




Highly recommend...

I can highly recommend Priya as a Trainer we have used her on a number of occasions to deliver training to the volunteers at the National Bereavement Partnership. She is very knowledgeable on a variety of subjects relating to helplines. Priya’s delivery is excellent and she is very personable and engages participants well. National Bereavement Partnership   |     |  

Reflection and Resilience Course Feedback...

Priya was excellent and I really enjoyed the session and Priya gave us all a chance to share and reflect which helped us grow together as a team. Carers Wales   |     |  

A really engaging and inclusive trainer...

I’ve been trained by Priya on a number of occasions, and it’s always been a pleasure. I’ve found her to be a really engaging and inclusive trainer, with loads of helpful insights from her own experience to be able to share Carers UK   |     |  

Amazing! Thank you so much!...

This has been brilliant, I've learnt so much and now recognise what I can do to increase resilience and how this will help me and benefit me SENDIASS Sheffield   |     |