Helpline Skills Training
London & Online

Our Courses



Comprehensive Communication

comprehensive communication at a call centre

Comprehensive Communication interactive skills training provides an opportunity to confirm your current practice or learn new techniques. We commence with a focus on your role in assisting others, maintaining boundaries, listening effectively and developing core techniques to enable you to respond to the caller.

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Reflection and Resilience


Listening and responding to people who are in distress on a regular basis can have a cumulative effect on you. Have you been impacted by your engagement with callers? It is essential that you have the right mechanisms in place to protect your own mental health. This course will explore your resilience, provides an opportunity to reflect and shares the tools to enable your own self-care and build resilience.

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Optimising your Outcomes


This course will cover all the techniques that can be used to evaluate your quantitative and qualitative call data. What difference did you make to your caller? This course enables you to consider how to use the qualitative and quantitative data collected by your service to understand your impact. We analyse the different ways to measure outcomes and how these can be implemented into your organisation.

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Beyond Blue


If you work with callers who are at risk of suicide, our Beyond Blue course will cover all the soft skills, communication skills and knowledge you need to provide effective help. The course will explore questioning techniques, mechanisms of support and provide a supportive space to practise responses.

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Helplines... How To


If you are considering or setting up a new service, this is the course to provide you with guidance on the key components. Our course will enable you to work through the framework for delivery; consider options for channels, staffing, opening hours, as well as identify the policies and procedures required to support the work of your service. It is an excellent opportunity to network with others at similar stages of development.

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Our webinar series will provide a quick deep dive by shining a spotlight on key topics or sharing knowledge on a support or response mechanism. We commence with differentiating between your personal and professional boundaries and the importance of self-care.

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Language of Live Chat

Livechat training

We build your confidence in responding to livechat conversations. Our course delivers a skills toolkit to enable you to engage with service users. Our live chat structure provides a framework to respond and consider the key components to deliver a consistent service. 

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 Vicarious Trauma

Responding to complex calls can impact helpline workers. We look at the distinction between compassion fatigue, burnout and vicarious trauma. How we can mitigate risk, measure the impact and look at creating our own selfcare toolkit.

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A really engaging and inclusive trainer...

I’ve been trained by Priya on a number of occasions, and it’s always been a pleasure. I’ve found her to be a really engaging and inclusive trainer, with loads of helpful insights from her own experience to be able to share Carers UK   |     |  

Reflection and Resilience Course Feedback...

Thank you for your time and expertise. It s a long day on zoom but it went quickly with lots of different interactions and break out groups which made it more interesting. Twins Trust   |     |  

Comprehensive Communication Course...

These sessions were really enjoyable and allowed us to really connect as a team - we could see that we were each struggling with similar issues. We met after the training to see how we could adapt our SOPs to integrate some of the learning from the sessions. This will be so beneficial to improving our service and becoming more resilient as service providers. National Rare Diseases Helpline   |     |  




Organisations we have worked with

 Carers UK Logo

 Macular Society Logo

 Proud Trust Logo


 Beat Logo

 LawCare Logo

 Royal Osteoporosis Logo


Skills Training Provider in London and Worldwide






Skills Training Provider in London and Worldwide